How To Study For Finals

Hey guys! Here are my tips for studying for finals based on the success I’ve experienced from the methods I used for my exams earlier in the semester.

1. Flashcards

For my sociology class, I use flashcards because the content is mostly memorization of terms and names. This method was extremely successful for me because it is proven that hand-writing things, improves memorization. As you can see, the stack of cards is huge so it took me a long time but it was worth it. Writing the cards is honestly more effective than quickly reviewing them.

2. Hand-write notes

Above are pictures of my notes for my hospitality class! I actually take my notes for the class online because my professor provides guided notes (so lucky, I know). However, it’s really hard for me to study notes on a computer because it is easily distracting and so easy to just scroll through and be done.

So what I do is I copy all of my notes from my laptop into an empty notebook. I try to make these notes organized and pretty because it makes it more fun to do, and more pleasing to look at. I have a lot of fun doing this, and again, the handwriting method is very beneficial.

3. Preparing for the dreaded term paper

Oh my gosh everyone needs to do this. I have one of those professors that just hands you the syllabus, and says “ok figure it out”. He assigned a research paper that should be 8 pages in APA format, with several academic journal sources, due the first week of December. I pulled out my calendar and realized “holy crap this is right after thanksgiving and a week before finals”.

So being as organized as I am and not wanting to spend my break working on this, I decided to split up my paper’s work and start early. The picture above is what I created to remind myself of the requirements, and goals I set up each week to complete to stay on task.

It’s really easy to put this paper on the back burner, but when it is 20% of your grade, you really want to make sure it is high quality.

I honestly suggest everyone uses this method of making their own due-dates because writing an 8 page paper within the last three days is miserable.

4. Use your resources!

I am a very big advocate for using the student success center. I always go to the peer writing lab before turning in a paper of any kind. It is amazing, I kid you not. There is something about talking through your thoughts with someone else that really helps with the writing and editing process. I usually get four hours worth of work done in one hour when I’m at the writing lab.

I also recommend several other of the student success center services like tutoring, and peer consultations which helps you get organized, learn new study methods and prep for exams.

5. Find your favorite study spot & time

It’s always a good idea to set aside a specific time when you will study and stick to it. I like to get my work done right after class on mon/wed/fri because I have a short day. However on tue/thur I have more classes and am worn out so I need some down time before I study. Usually I take a nap and them am super productive by 7-8pm.

I also think that you should have a specific study spot so when you go there, your mind knows it’s time to focus. My favorite spots are the technology lab in the library (because of all of the chargers, and modern decor), the study room in my building, and the health center.

The health center may sound weird, but it has so much seating because nobody ever studies there. I don’t like the library because it is overcrowded and underground, so there is no natural light. The health center has beautiful glass walls and has an amazing view.

I also really like to study at the food court to motivate myself with snacks, and I like the light background noise.