How To Pack For Winter in Vietnam

My family just returned from the trip of a lifetime in Vietnam over Christmas and New Years Eve. We traveled all over north and central Vietnam, experiencing very different weather in each town. I had such a hard time packing for winter in Vietnam because unlike Europe, there are not many style blog posts so I decided to write one!

One word to describe packing for winter in Vietnam: Layers. Weather was between 50 degrees in Ha Long Bay to 73 degrees in Hoi An.

When I was packing, I went for three aesthetics. Earthy tones, business casual and a splash of color! I was limited to a carry on since it is such a complicated flight route and I didn’t want to loose my luggage.

On travel day, I opted for a matching set. I wore brown sweat wicking pants and a matching cropped jacket with a tan vest for extra warmth. I planned to rewear this outfit on our more adventurous days of the trip.


We landed in Hanoi and spent three days there. When the sun was out, it was quite warm for winter in Vietnam so I ended up taking off my jacket many days. I tried to wear my business casual here since it is an upscale city.

Ninh Binh

Known as Nature’s Playground, Ninh Binh was full of adventure. We rode bikes, hiked up 400 stairs to view points, and walked around on boardwalks over Water Lillies. I chose to wear bright colors against the dark contrasted environment and the photos turned out absolutely stunning.

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay was the hardest to pack for because it was cold, windy and rainy. We loved the luxury boat we were aboard so much that we hardly wanted to get off for the activities and bear through the weather! Activities ranged from biking on Cat Ba Island, to Kayaking the bay so we need warm athleisure.

Hoi An

A lovely oceanside town, that is warmer than Ha Long Bay and smaller than Hanoi, it is the perfect fit for all travelers. I wore maxi dresses and relaxed street style outfits here.

Honorable Mentions:

Shoutout to my fashionista mentors, my mom and sister.

Fashion Fail

Do not wear light colors or trousers bike riding. The loose fabric will get caught on the gears and the light colors will get very muddy, especially in the rural towns. Lesson learned!

More Vietnam content is coming your way soon. If you like packing posts, check out my blog about How I Packed For a Month in Italy!


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