Hey guys! If you are following my instagram then you know that I decided to go through sorority recruitment again. I went through the process my freshman year, then dropped a couple weeks after. If you want to read about that, click here.
During the school year, I joined lots of clubs and got involved without the sorority. I felt really confident in my decision until it came to homecoming week and dance marathon. I couldn’t really get involved in these without being in a sorority which really bummed me out. So many girls were complaining about making homecoming floats for their sorority but I would have loved it.
Although I was really involved in clubs, people didn’t really hang outside of the meetings. I really wanted that bonding moment where we would go bowling or take a trip to Charleston. I also found it difficult to make friends because I wasn’t a big partier.
After lots of debating I decided to rush again as a sophomore so here is why I think you should too.
1. You Will Already Be Comfortable On Campus
Freshman year is so overwhelming, especially since you are not familiar with campus at all. Knowing where your classes are, the best food spots, the grocery store etc makes the world of a difference. You don’t need that stuff to overwhelm you during recruitment.
2. You’ll Have A Feel For The Sorority Houses
Pay attention to which houses you like your freshman year so you know what you want when you rush.
3. Go Into The Process With Some Friends
When you rush as sophomore, the pressure to make friends fast isn’t as strong because you already have some. If you are friends with a lot of girls from one sorority, it may be a good fit for you. They can also vouch for you during the process.
4. You Realize Sorority Life Isn’t Everything
Since you already have had a great year of college without a sorority, you know that you don’t NEED it to make friends or have fun. You are joining because you truly want to be apart of it.
5. The Community Of Sophomores In Your Pledge Class
University of South Carolina sororities have large pledge classes around 100 girls. About 12 of those girls in my pledge class are sophomores which allows us to really get to know each other. It makes meeting your pledge class feel much less overwhelming.
Where I Ran Home:
I loved Chi Omega going into rush based off of my freshman year. I felt passionate about their philanthropy (Make A Wish Foundation), really enjoyed their sisterhood round, and felt like I could fit in with each of these girls. They had similar style, academic goals, hometowns, and interests as me. It was important to me to be in a “chill” sorority where I felt that I could come as I am (hello casual chapter meetings!) I already love all of the girls I have met so far. I am really looking forward to get more in-person sisterhood bonding activities.
I’m so glad I put myself out there and rushed again. So happy to be a Chi O!