The clock is ticking down to 2020! Reflect on 2019 with questions to help you appreciate how far you have come in just a year, and the relationships you have fostered. In addition to this, read my 2019 highlights by the month!

Questions To Ask Yourself:
What are you most proud of?
What did you struggle with the most? How did you overcome this?
Did you achieve any of your goals?
Who was there for you this year? Make sure to thank them.
Who entered your life this year? Who left it?
When you think back on this year, what changed the most? Your health? Your relationships? Your job/school? Other?
What is your biggest regret?
Has your style evolved?
What was your funniest memory from this year?
If someone wrote a book about your year, what genre would it be?
What new skills did you learn?
What are your top 5 takeaways from this year?
What was the nicest thing someone did for you?
What was your favorite song?
What was your favorite trend? What was the worst?
What were the highlights of each month?
I thought I would spare ya’ll on my answers for all of the questions because they are long! However, I did want to share these years highlights with you.
January Highlights:
- DIY cardboard sled racing with cousins
- Admitted student weekend at UofSC
- Yes Theory subscriber book was shipped around the country

February Highlights:
- Made some great artwork in my photography class
- Went to OSU basketball game with Herb for Valentines Day
- Saw Luke Combs in concert
- Spent hours teaching myself how to use my new drone

March Highlights:
- Traveled to Nassau, Bahamas
- Really improved my videography due to my drone 🙂
- Went Axe Throwing for the first time

April Highlights:
- Traveled to Chicago and Kenosha, Wisconsin to visit my cousins.
- Saw Tyler Farr in concert
- Had a great time with my boyfriend at prom
- Had lots of Cookie Dough Creamery dates with my best friend
- Enjoyed Easter with my family
- Advanced Photography & Photo contest winners banquet
- Explored the Cincinati Art Musuem Burning Man exhibit

May Highlights:
- Attended the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby (Bucket list!!)
- Built houses with LOVE 614

June Highlights:
- Went Ziplining in Hocking Hills
- Walked around the Columbus Art Festival
- Freshman College Orientation! Met one of my good friends
- Traveled to Salamanca and Madrid, Spain.
- Saw Pablo Picasso’s artwork “Guernica” in an art museum
- Watched a Real Madrid Legends Game

July Highlights:
- Went to the lake with my family friends
- Watched lots of sunsets over downtown
- Barger Lakeloosa
- Ohio State Fair! Chris Young! Fried Cookie Dough!

August Highlights:
- Saw John Mayer in concert
- Started this blog!!
- Played on an inflatable water challenge course (bucket list!!)
- Moved into UofSC
- Rushed a sorority and learned a lot about myself
- Met my best friends

September Highlights:
- Came home to visit and went to OSU football game
- Began my new interest in painting
- Cheered for UofSC football games and frat lots
- Became involved in the blogging club Her Campus
- Parents weekend!

October Highlights:
- Roadtripped to Myrtle Beach with Herbie over fall break
- Endured the rain in the student section of a football game
- Recieved care packages from friends and family 🙂
- Laid out on the Horeshoe to read and study
- Drove to Aiken, SC to tailgate the Steeplechase horse race
- Baked cakes and watched halloween movies
- Went out two nights for halloween as a hippy and a murderer

November Highlights:
- Tailgating with my friends family for the first night game
- My family got a puppy! (Sampson is a Bernedoodle which is a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle)
- More campus drone photography
- My friend from home, Kiki came to visit me
- Spontaneously roadtripped to Ole Miss
- Celebrated my birthday with friends at Kaminskys
- Came home for Thanksgiving break and met Sampson!

December Highlights:
- Aced my exams & ended my first semester with a 4.0
- Got accepted for a job as a peer tutor next semester
- Enjoyed final times before break with my friends from school
- Came home to my family and friends
- Went to National Veterans Museum with my Grandpa who served during the Vietnam War.