Wow, it has been a while since I’ve written on here. When I think of this blog, I think of the passion and hard work that I poured into it as a freshman. Now, as a junior, my life is much busier and I haven’t made the time to put in that same level of effort. I’ve accepted it because I know that hobbies come and go. However, I want to keep this blog alive even if it is not frequent.
Before jumping into my typical college advice posts, I want to give you an update on what I’ve been doing these last six months. Full disclosure, this is very much a highlight reel showing some of my fun moments. Not everything has been sunshine and rainbows.
So what have I been up to?
Spent the Summer in Charleston, SC
I interned at Kiawah Island Golf Resort this summer in their recreation department. I was a camp counselor for the day camps: Kamp Kiawah, Camp Xtreme, and Adventure Camp. Half of the week, I was with Kamp Kiawah ages 3-7 doing crafts and games. Other days, I was with Camp Xtreme ages 8-15 playing dodgeball, boogie boarding, basketball, soccer and other sports. The Adventure Camp ran less frequently, so I got to run it about once a week, where I took kids paddleboarding on the marsh, or surfing in the ocean. Adventure camp was quite the production and explaining to 8 year olds how to paddle against the current is more difficult than you would think.
After work, the other interns and I bonded by the pool, beach, or at new restaurants. I got to experience so many new things this summer like trying oysters (I still think they are gross), golfing for the first time, finding a local Charleston church that I fell in love with, and witnessing the beauty of the lowcountry marsh for the first time.
I can write about my summer forever, but I’d rather show you a video so you can see for yourself.
Traveled to Montana for a Family Reunion
Since I worked away from home all summer, the longest time I got to see my family was at our large family reunion trip to Missoula, Montana. My extended family is about 30 people on my dad’s side and we are all very close thanks to my grandmother organizing these trips. The trip was 7 days of stuffing my face with incredible food, belly laughing, dance parties, front porch swinging, listening to Tyler Childers on repeat, fishing, and ATV driving.
Sorority Recruitment
If you have been following me since the beginning, you know that I am not the biggest fan of sorority recruitment. It made me so insecure and anxious when I was going through it as a freshman. Honestly, I was anxious on the recruiting side of it too because I wanted girls to like me.
On the first day, I gave a speech about our chapter’s community outreach for the blind that I get to lead. It was absolutely nerve wracking but oh so confidence building. My sisters were hyping me up, clapping, tearing up, and cheering during my speech. It felt really good to share my passion with my chapter and potential new members.
During the long hours of rush, I met so many girls with the greatest sense of humor that instantly made my day. I left recruitment with so many more friends in my chapter, and an incredible new incoming pledge class.

Saturday’s in South Carolina
My grandpa would be very proud to hear that I have gone to almost every home football game. One of my goals for this semester was to go to the big away games. My friends and I drove to Athens, GA for the game and while we lost (not surprised), it was so much fun. Practically half of UofSC campus was there.
I also went to the UofSC vs Tennessee game with my family because my sister is a freshman there. It was a miserable game to watch in the stands, but my dad was a trooper for wearing garnet with me.
In case you didn’t notice, our football team isn’t very good but we have never lost a tailgate.

Big Little!
I cannot explain to you how excited I was to become a big… OF TWINS! My littles Megan and Claire are my best friends and when I met them I instantly knew they needed to be apart of my “family”. I have been very busy this semester filling big little baskets (future blog post?), showing them the ropes of campus and Chi Omega, and forcing them to hang out with me.

Working at the Athlete Refuel Station on Campus
The University of South Carolina has two athlete cafeterias. One is the main one called the Dodie, and the other is the Refuel Station that I work at. The Refuel Station is a lunch spot that also offers to-go snacks and smoothies. I began working here 10 hours a week before my afternoon classes and I absolutely love it. It is a great way for me to stay productive instead of sleeping in until noon, and make some extra cash. If you are looking for a job in college, I highly recommend an on campus one for flexibility and convenience.
What’s Next for Me?
As I head into the second half of the semester, the chaos is starting to calm down but finals are just around the corner. I can’t believe it will be so soon until I get to go home for a month to be with my family.
I hope you enjoyed this update. It feels really good to write again regardless if people are reading it.

Oh honey. Thanks. This was absolutely outstanding. I have missed your posts and story telling skills tremendously. Love you dear one and so happy you are back to your story telling. Love you and see you at Thanksgiving.
Love you so much.