Hey guys! I am starting a series where I will wrote about things or people that inspire me. It will change from other bloggers, photographers, podcasters, companies, mentors, and people I look up to. I thought what better place to start than to talk about Katy Bellotte a YouTuber I got the opportunity to meet at her inspirational keynote couple weeks ago.
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Katy Bellotte is a YouTuber, Podcaster, Graphic Designer, Videographer, Temporary Tattoo Designer, and Content Creator.
She calls herself “multi hyphenated”
Katy graduated from Elon University and went on to work for L’Oréal Paris in New York City. Now, Katy is a self employed content creator.
I got the pleasure to meet her because the Fashion Club at University of South Carolina invited Katy to be a inspirational keynote speaker during their fashion week event.
She spoke about the beginning of her career, her persistence with YouTube despite being bullied, college life, and what it’s like to be self employed.
In her speech, Katy gave us a list of 8 pieces of advice she had for us and I’m going to share it with you.
1. Embrace Your Hyphens
As I mentioned earlier, Katy calls herself a multi hyphenated person. This means that she doesn’t just have one job title. She’s not amazing at one thing, but she is good at a lot of little things. She encourages everyone to embrace all of the small talents and passions they have, instead of feeling the need to have one big thing to define them.
2. Stop Abusing Your Trust, Your Heart Knows The Way
This was a hard lesson for her to learn when it came to quitting her job at L’Oréal to be self employed. Katy explained to us that she frequently doubted herself, and continued to do things that she didn’t enjoy because she was afraid to trust her heart. Granted, quitting to become self employed is a huge leap and anyone would be nervous!
3. Slow Down
It’s so easy to get caught up in the business of life. When your job is your passion like content creating, you have to really slow down to enjoy what you are doing instead of letting it get away from you.
4. Be Patient When It’s Hard
She said “You are going to start with zero followers. You are going to have people that talk about you.” This can be taxing because everyone wants immediate success and to be loved. But that takes work and persistence. You can’t expect everyone to love you right off the bat.
5. Everything You Are Doing Is Just A Page In Your Story
What happens today is not the end of the story! It’s just part of it. In Katy’s story, she was bullied throughout middle school and high school for her YouTube. Now, her story has developed much further. She has become well known and respected for the same YouTube Chanel and is even giving an inspirational keynote about it!
6. Just Because The Ingredients Don’t Taste Great, Doesn’t Mean The Outcome Won’t.
This is my favorite thing she said the whole night. Katy describes this cake analogy, and begins by explaining all of the ingredients like eggs, baking soda, etc. and how they don’t taste good on their own. However when they mix together, the cake that they form tastes really sweet.
Katy says that this is the perfect analogy for life. Every individual thing that happens might not be sweet or pleasurable, but all of the little moments add up to create a happy and fulfilling life. Things may not seem like they will work out, but they will.
7. Having A Low Opinion Of Yourself Is Not Modesty, It Is Self Destruction.
I LOVE THIS!! Woah. It’s okay to say, “I’m really good at painting” or “I’m a good singer” because it’s true. Own your talents. Don’t talk down to yourself or fail to acknowledge your own worth. By attempting to be modest, you are really putting yourself down. No one is a bigger critic of you than you.
8. What Is In Your Fridge Matters.
Katy Bellotte does it again with another killer metaphor! Ready for it?
So you know how after a long day you really want fast food? When the thought of a burger and fry can just make you drool? But you have a bunch of fresh vegetables and fresh meats in the fridge? Yeah. We’ve all been there. And what do you do? You fall into the temptation and eat out. By the end of the night, the junk food that was supposed to satisfy you ends up leaving you feel sick.
Katy compared this to validation. We are constantly looking for validation from others because it can be fast and satisfying in the moment. But you are leaving behind all of the great things you have to offer within your self (fresh groceries). When you seek others validation you are overlooking your own value, and letting it sit there to mold until it is thrown out. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t give yourself the icky feeling after hearing others advice. Trust your heart. What’s in your fridge matters.
Katy Bellotte was chosen to give an inspirational keynote for good reason. Not only does she have so much talent, but she is incredibly wise.
Meghan Ann
Check out her podcast Thick and Thin & her YouTube here
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