Hi, I have something I want to say. I am proud of you. Genuinely. You have come so far since I first met you.
This is something I want to say to my old friends, to my current friends, to myself, to everyone. Everyone is working so dang hard. Sadly, we are all so focused on ourselves, that we hardly acknowledge each other’s progress.
I’ve made some great strides in my life by putting my boots on and pulling myself up out of the mud. I’m always trying to reach my goals but rarely stop and take a moment to just be proud of myself and how far i’ve come.
The semester is nearing an end and I know at least a few college kids feel the same way. You made it through a hard week and you feel a sense of relief and then immediately prepare for the next. You never sit there and think “wow I did that!”
Why? Is being proud of yourself considered bragging? Maybe it is. However, you are hurting yourself for pushing your accomplishments off the side like nothing.
I challenge you to reflect on your semester and everything you have done. All of the ways you have grown. If you feel called to, share your good news with friends. But remember:
Your accomplishments are not insignificant just because someone else didn’t recognize them.
This is especially relevant in college where everyone is doing their own thing. No one knows what it took for you to get here. They will never know how much it means to you.
If no one is cheering for you, you cheer for you.
Take yourself out for a treat or sleep in after a sleepless night of studying. Give yourself grace on your bad days.
So to all of my college students out there who are applying for jobs, studying for exams, struggling to find friends, and missing home: I AM PROUD OF YOU. Most importantly, you should be proud of yourself.