How I Stay Organized With Online Classes

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 

Hey Ya’ll! It feels like it has been forever since my last blog post. My online classes, sorority commitments, and work shifts are keeping me much busier than I thought they would. With that being said, I am going to share with you how I stay organized and manage my time with online classes in college.

Time Block

First I feel like I should explain my class schedule this semester. I have 2 classes that are half online and half in person, 1 class that is online synchronous, and 2 classes that are online asynchronous. I also work all in person hours about eight hours a week.

In the beginning of the school year, I struggled understanding where I was supposed to be and when for classes. In order to make it easier on myself and organize my class times, I created an excel time block document. Notice the key at the bottom that tells you which color means in person.

Creating this excel extremely helped me! However, this is just a general routine schedule and doesn’t mention any of the events that differ from week to week.

Google Calendar

That’s where my Google Calendar comes in. On my calendar I don’t include any class times, but rather things like birthdays, dinner dates with friends, and weekend plans. I also put this information on a whiteboard in my room.

My Class Tracker

Now for the most important information: my assignments. I use a planner called My Class Tracker to track everything in my life including the things listed above. If you know me then you know I am obsessed with planners and always trying to find the perfect one. I even designed my own last year (check it out), which ended up being very pricy to print and inefficiently designed. The My Class Tracker is my favorite planner I have had in all of my years of using them and I’m honestly mad I didn’t find it earlier.

I love how it has a due dates and exams box, as well as important reminders, assignments, and daily plan. The planner is vertically organized with lined paper, which I love. I can’t stand the horizontal blank boxes in planners.

This planner has been a lifesaver because I am able to keep track of literally everything going on in my life.

This planner is specifically catered to college students, but they also created a high school version that has a longer assignments list. I have the dated planner and went ahead and got the monthly tabs too.

If you want to buy one you can use my discount SincerelyMeghanAnn at

These three things have been the key to my success this semester with online college classes. One thing has become clear, online classes are hard no matter how organized you are. Good luck to everyone with upcoming exams!