I think the last time I wrote about sorority recruitment was when I was a freshman with no clue what was going on, and then again as a sophomore when I re-rushed. I want to update this with some wisdom that I have gained from being on the other side and recruiting girls.
Before you read this, go back to my advice I gave from sophomore year because I won’t be repeating myself. https://sincerelymeghanann.com/things-no-one-tells-you-about-sorority-recruitment/
So here it goes:
How To Impress Chapters During Virtual Rounds
When I was a sophomore, we rushed by Zoom but our first round was a video we pre-recorded of ourselves. Now, girls rush in person but still do videos for round one to shorten recruitment by nearly three days. If your school is like this and has a virtual round, it is so important to present yourself well.
Remember to make eye contact with the camera, loosen up your body rather than stand tense, don’t have phone or notes in the view, minimize stutters and filler words, and most importantly, SMILE!! These videos are intimidating but are the ultimate practice for interviews.
How To Save Time
Come prepared. Pack your lunch ahead of time, do your hair and iron your clothes the night before. Even as a sister recruiting girls, I pack a bag of essentials with mints instead of gum, hairbrush, hair spray, deodorant, perfume, band aids, oil blotting sheets.
If You Are Nervous
Research the process. The best thing I can suggest is to be aware of how recruitment works at your school. If there are sorority houses, you will most likely be walking through a house of cheering. I touch on this in my last advice post because it really overwhelmed me when I was a freshman.
How To Have a Good Conversation
When talking with the girls, do three simple things: smile, make eye contact, and ask questions. Body language is just as important as the content you talk about. Bring up your passions and things that excite you. Contribute to the conversation by building off of what the sorority sister is saying. Don’t just agree with her. A chapter will invite you back for the next round based on the energy you give off. Laugh and let loose.
If You Are Asked An Uncomfortable Question
It is okay to sugar coat. My freshman year, a sorority asked me to tell them about my high school friends and I panicked. At the time, I was healing from some friendships that had grown apart and told the sorority sister that I didn’t really have those close friends and shared about my boyfriend at the time instead. That did not reflect well on me. Obviously I had good friends, I just didn’t have that picture perfect friend group that they were expecting. I don’t have any regrets because I told the truth and at the time my boyfriend was my best friend. But as someone on the recruitment side, it is hard to connect that back to a sisterhood conversation. Throw them a bone and tell them about the kind of friend that you are and friendship qualities you are looking for.
If You Are Dropped By A House You Like
Try not to shed a tear about a specific chapter before preference round! You should not be feeling “at home” within the first five minutes of round 2. It is an exhausting and emotional process but don’t let yourself emotionally invest in a chapter early on in the process. It will hurt you in the end. If you get dropped from multiple chapters between rounds, I understand the tears. That feels harsh. To that, I want you to read my next point…
Why You Might Not Get Invited Back To A Chapter
It is important to understand that a sorority sister could absolutely love you and you could still not be invited back to the next round. They will acknowledge that you are a great person but you just might not be a great fit for the chapter. Unfortunately, not everyone can be invited back but trust me, sorority sisters are fighting for you.
My Thoughts On “Alabama Rush Tok”
Disregard social media the best you can. Bama rush Tik Tok trends has completely changed the game of recruitment. All of the sudden girls are caring more about sororities who are better dancers, have a better online presence and better spirit week outfits. With Tik Tok specifically, the fyp algorithm gives some sororities a better advantage over others. Personally, I think the girls that aren’t the popular influencers may be the more genuine ones. Greek rank, Yik Yak and other anonymous websites are dangerous and just straight up lies. People make things up for their own entertainment and it will be damaging to your process.
Final Advice
The easiest way to get sororities to love you is for you to love yourself. If you show up feeling confident and proud of your accomplishments, sorority girls will admire you even if they have nothing in common. Seriously, I know it sounds silly but the energy you give off means EVERYTHING.
You will find what’s best for you. Even if it is not a sorority.