True story- I tried to be artsy and write out 2022 for my year reflection and goal setting journal page and accidentally wrote 2020. Meaning that I still felt like it was 2019 and had just turned 2020. At first, I was so embarrassed and pissed that I ruined my journal page. Then, I realized that a lot of people feel this way- that we are still stuck in 2020 with an on and off pandemic for the last two years. It feels like so much time has passed yet none at all.
It’s easy to get stuck in the mindset that the pandemic is ruining my college years. Yet at the same time, as I went back and wrote my favorite thing that came out of each month of 2021, I realize that it hasn’t stopped my growth or great things from happening.
A pattern I noticed each month was the strengthening of my friendships. Strangers became near family this year. We all laughed, cried, and went through hard stuff together. I found myself surrounded by people I have prayed about since elementary school.
So what changed? How come I found my friends now?
It finally clicked to me that it is okay to have friends for a season. That at one point your middle school best friends were everything and were great friends to you, but it’s not the right fit anymore. Same goes for my summer camp friends that I swore I was going to go visit frequently. We had a great summer and I am so grateful for that, but I have no expectations for them to be at my wedding.
Once you realize that your friends are there to support you and teach you a lesson for a while, but not forever, you experience so much less heartbreak. It’s not a friendship breakup, you just both grew up and out of each other.
So to the friends I spent time with in 2021, thank you for really getting to know me, supporting and loving me this year.
Since friendships were my biggest takeaway from 2021, what am I looking forward to in 2022?
In high school I used to do this thing for the where I would chose a word to live by in the new year. It was such a cool concept but I always forgot it by March. This year, I wrote out a vision for myself. A manifestation if you will. Nothing too specific, rather qualitative- something that I can’t fail. Because shit happens and I don’t like feeling like I didn’t measure up.
It went a little something like this:
What will 2022 look like?
A summer of travel and career growth.
Learning how to take care of my body from the inside out, eating what makes me feel good, spending time being active, getting outdoors, and honoring the mental breaks I need.
Opening up my heart to Jesus to guide me.
Owning who I am, both unapologetically and authentically. Know that I am loved.
Cultivating deeper friendships, while creating new ones along the way.
Finally, taking risks that have been on my mind, seeking discomfort.
Now I want to ask you, when you enter the new year do you reflect on the last year or move on immediately? Do you set goals or resolutions? What is your keyword or vision for yourself? I’d love to know.