A Budget Friendly Girls Trip To Las Vegas

My college girlfriends and I just got back from a girls trip to Las Vegas! We are a group of 5 girls on a budget, with one of us still in college, 2 in grad school, and 2 girls are young professionals new in their career. Is Las Vegas budget friendly? It can be! Here is how we planned our planned our budget friendly girls trip.

10 Steps To Have A Seamless Day On The Slopes

Winter sports are intimidating because of their upfront expenses, needed gear, and require a bit of set up before actually getting on the mountain. Once you make it past those barriers, you will discover that the panoramic views of the mountains while flying down the slopes make it all worth it. After years of skiing, I finally developed a method to have a seamless day on the slopes.

Girls Trip to Charleston, South Carolina

One of the blessings of being a student at University of South Carolina is the ability to go to so many fun cities for weekend trips. Throughout college, my favorite city to explore has been Charleston. This MLK weekend, my friends and I headed down for a girls trip!