Dear junior in high school,
If I remember correctly, junior year of high school was my most chaotic year. I started taking AP classes, the pressure to get involved and “look good for colleges” was high, and everyone was stressing over standardized tests. Here’s the good news: most colleges are test optional now and you don’t need to join a club you don’t care about to get into college.

Regardless, it probably feels like you have a lot on your plate right now. In fact, I know you do. If all you are able to do is focus on your homework of the day, you are doing enough. If you need a nap because you are mentally drained, allow yourself that time to recharge and try again tomorrow. Don’t push yourself to get everything done at the cost of your mental health. This is an important lesson I am still working on as a junior in college.
There will be people that know what college they want to go to right now. If that’s not you, that’s totally okay. You have a full year to make your final decision and a lot can change between now and then. If you are someone who has a good idea of what they want, I encourage you to spend your summer working on your essay and applications so that you can enjoy having it out of the way during your fall semester of your senior year.
For the person who is scared and nervous for college, I promise you will be ready when the time comes. You aren’t supposed to be ready for college yet, you are only halfway through junior year of high school! You won’t realize how prepared and capable you are until you are here.
I was always so eager to get to college, trying to rush out of high school and move on to bigger and better things. If you are like me, my advice to you is to be excited for the great things to come, but don’t miss out on fun moments of high school because you are spending all of your time looking forward.
It’s funny because as a junior in college, I’m finding myself stressing out about the same things. My classes are hard, motivation is low, I’m fully involved and want to spend all my free time with my friends, and I’m spending way too much time stressing about my future career. Some things never change. You just learn how to handle it better.
Remember to take it one step at a time, have fun, and above all, take care of yourself.
A college junior.
Meghan! This is a great reminder for parents too! I waaaaay too often find myself asking the boys about their future plans and nagging them when they just want to hang with friends and sleep in! They are working hard in and out of school to keep it balanced. I will send this to them. Thanks girl. You are awesome.
Thank you so much for the kind words and taking time to read it! It means the world to me.