I’m a really visual person, and a vision board is my favorite way of planning out my goals. I have gone through a lot of change in my mindset in 2020 and I imagine you have to. So, I decided to make a vision board as we continue into 2021. Not as a resolution, or something that needs to be checked off, but just a daily reminder of this mindset shift and my goals.

I decided to do this digitally using Canva a free digital design program. I like to make my vision board online so it doesn’t look messy because of my horrible handwriting or sticky glue etc. We also don’t get a lot of magazines these days in the mail so I don’t know where I would get pictures from if I did it by hand.
Here is my vision board:

Every good vision board has these five things:
- Color Scheme. I chose a sage green, light purple, mauve and tan.
- A key word or phrase to encapse the significance and meaning of the entire board. Mine is “let the adventure begin”.
- A mixture between quotes, pictures, and aesthetic graphics. If it is too much of one, it will be boring to look at.
- Symbols that mean something to you. If you are too literal with your board it will look wordy or full of lots of stock photos. For example, the picture of the girl in the blue bandana references Jerrod Niemann’s song “Blue Bandana” which lyrics really resonate with me and the lifestyle I want to live.
- Meaningful elements! While not everything in my board has a specific meaning, most do. Images that refer to my plans, desire for adventures, communities I am apart of, my personality traits, and my overall mindset. Don’t just put random pictures of happy people that mean nothing to you and call it day. It is okay to have some of that, but try to have a general meaning.
What are you putting on your vision board? Comment below or DM me what you made because I’d love to see it!

Here is the Jerrod Niemann song if you are interested.